Episode 019: Spiritual Act of Cleaning Your Home

Episode Summary:

In this episode, I dive into the importance of shifting the mindset of cleaning your home from a chore mentality to more of an act of spiritual self-care.

It’s difficult to dream and take action on new adventures when you’re feeling heavy, bogged down, and closed in by the objects around you.

If cleaning is one of your least favorite things to do, listen to the full episode and practice these mindset shifts. You’ll even get to hear a bit about my adventures as a maid!

5 Mindset Shifts to Make Cleaning a More Spiritual Act

1. chore —> self-care

What is your earliest memory of cleaning? For me it certainly wasn’t fun and most definitely had the vibe of dread attached to it. Notice if you still carry this same energy towards it.

As small bite-sized bits of self-care we’re less likely to push it off into one super long task to tackle on the weekends.

2. be in partnership rather than other

Sometimes our space can become a place that we move through and shelters us, but isn’t our home where we feel grounded. It can have this feeling of otherness that you are separate from, but your home is a beautiful extension of YOU and your expression.

As you clean around your room(s) notice what brings you joy and what is simply taking up space. Cleanse out the items that are no longer a representation of you so you can feel more connected to your space.

3. slow down & be present

Is cleaning something that you rush through to check off your to-do list? This is a great opportunity to slow down and practice being present. Notice where you are, how you’re feeling, what’s bubbling below the surface (a.k.a emotions you might not want to acknowledge), and how your space feels the cleaner it gets.

4. disinfect —> nourish 

Yes part of cleaning is to remove dust, dirt, and bacteria but it can also energetically lift the energy in your space. However, conventional products are full of toxic chemicals that can add stress to your body and disrupt your hormones.

From the products you use to clean to the art you hang on the wall, make sure your space is nourishing you on all levels.

5. practice who you’re being

How we show up in one area is often how we show up in all areas of our lives. Notice if you are cleaning on autopilot and in your head replaying a conversation. Are you holding tension in your eyebrow or jaw?

When we practice how we are showing up in the world it allows us to be more responsive rather than reactive and consciously live our lives.