10 Ways to Release Stress

Stress is the root of all disease and running rampant for so many of us with never ending to-dos. Check out my fav 10 ways to release stress daily.
11 Ways to Reduce Inflammation
11 ways to reduce inflammation In my last post, I shared how to identify that you may be experiencing chronic inflammation. When left unattended to it can exacerbate symptoms creating an extremely uncomfortable experience in your body making it difficult to live your everyday life. Remember inflammation is necessary and a natural sign that your immune […]
Make a Positive Change in 2020 by Focusing on This
Make a Positive Change in 2020 by Focusing on This Reducing Stress & Inflammation. Seriously, if you’ve been: Confused about what to eat Intimidated or avoiding exercise Experiencing pain in your muscles, joints, stomach/digestive system, or mind (yesss that ever so quiet reel of negative self-talk that you no longer consciously hear) Or annoyed that […]
10 Tips to Reduce Stress This Holiday Season
10 Tips to Reduce Stress This Holiday Season The holidays and New Year can bring forward literally ALL the things we may have been avoiding throughout the year. No matter what’s true for you this time of year, I challenge you to utilize one or multiple of the following tips so that you enjoy your […]
Overcome Your Struggle In 2020
Overcome Your Struggle In 2020 QUESTION: How do I move forward when past thoughts/memories keep coming up? Have you ever tried to make a change in your life and been reminded of how “badly” it went in the past? Or how you didn’t show up for yourself in a positive way previously so why would […]
Reduce Stress In 4-Minutes Or Less
Reduce Stress In 4-Minutes Or Less Morning meditation, movement, staying hydrated, journaling, and eating a diet rich of fresh whole foods are all great ways to reduce the overall burden and stress has on the mind and body. However, what do you do if you’re currently in a massive life transition where everything is in […]
Reset & Revive With Herbal Tea
Reset & Revive With Herbal Tea Brisk weather is sweeping in at an accelerated rate as the long summer days become shorter and shorter. While a Michigan-native, living in San Diego for three years has made it ever more difficult to say goodbye to our already too short summers. However, there is one main thing […]
DIY Oat Milk
DIY Oat Milk There’s no denying it, non-dairy alternatives aren’t the same as their dairy-counterparts. Not in texture or taste, but that’s okay – they aren’t made from dairy! The main perk of these products is that they don’t create a reaction in the body for those of us intolerant to dairy. While many dairy […]
3 Health Coach Approved Recipes for 4th of July
3 Health Coach Approved Recipes for 4th of July I will start this blog off by saying there are a lot of talented craft cocktail makers out there and I am not particularly one of them. However, I have been told I make a delicious old fashion that even converted me over to loving whiskey […]
Your Guide to Healthy Sun Exposure
Your Guide to Healthy Sun Exposure Are you ready for sun and #lakelife yet??? It feels like winter has dragged on for far too long, but it has given us the perfect opportunity to talk about sun exposure and clear up some common misconceptions. Similar to milk propaganda being responsible for “building strong bones” for […]