Make a Positive Change in 2020 by Focusing on This

Make a Positive Change in 2020 by Focusing on This

Reducing Stress & Inflammation. 

Seriously, if you’ve been:

  • Confused about what to eat
  • Intimidated or avoiding exercise
  • Experiencing pain in your muscles, joints, stomach/digestive system, or mind (yesss that ever so quiet reel of negative self-talk that you no longer consciously hear)
  • Or annoyed that you have the self control of a squirrel in front of a pile of nuts before winter

Then it’s time to quiet the noise on the $4.2 trillion wellness industry and learn how to listen to your body as the best guide for what to eat, how to move, and so much more. Stress and inflammation are at the root of dis-ease in the body. When they are present in the body it distracts resources that could have been utilized for healing. It’s one thing when this is a short-term situation, however, the vast majority of humans today experience chronic stress which wreaks havoc on your body on a cellular level.

“Listen to your body’s wisdom, which expresses itself through signals of comfort and discomfort. When choosing a certain behavior, ask your body, “How do you feel about this?” If your body sends a signal of physical or emotional distress, watch out. If your body sends a signal of comfort and eagerness, proceed.” 

~ Deepak Chopra

Read the full article over at J’adore Detroit to learn how self-care plays a pivotal role in reducing stress and inflammation as well as an exciting 2020 announcement from me!

Always rooting for you,


P.S: Have yet to sit down and reflect on 2019 and craft your 2020 vision? Head over here to check out and sign up for the #MyRevivedLife Goal Setting Workshop where I lead you through a visualization to process the past and embody the future you amongst other tools & techniques!