Is Your Body Affecting Your Ability to Show Up?

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I remember three distinct times in my life where my body affected my ability to show up.  I was either exhausted and falling asleep or in crippling amount of pain and I was desperate to change how I felt.  If your body is sending you signals that you need a reset and/or rest, I want to help you so you don’t have to go through what I did!

Does this describe you?

😴Waking up and immediately wanting to close your eyes again?

🤯Overwhelmed by your growing to-do list and lack of energy to get it all done?

😓Feeling dread towards your business and the dream you’ve wanted to create for so long?

💃🏽Uncomfortable in your own skin and sabotaging your ability to be visible?

This is exactly why I created Burnout to Bliss a new VIP 6-month program.

Together we’ll identify:
✨your root motivators
✨rebuild your energy
✨shift the all-or-nothing mentality keeping the rollercoaster going (focus on discipline vs. rigidity)
✨create partnership with your body so you can work with rather than against her

Embodied momentum is the path to feeling your best internally and playing full out so you can hit and sustain your big goals! It’s learning to be in partnership with your body; you’ll release the mind-over-matter state and learn to listen to the cues your body is giving you so you avoid a crash and burn.

I’m keeping this very customized so there are only 5 spots available. 

I’m so excited to go on this journey with you to help you consciously create your life.

Ready to shift from burnout to BLISS? Start by filling out your application here!