Episode 059: Sharing Your Soul’s Message with Laura Mzhickteno

Episode Summary:

In this episode I dive in with Laura Mzhickteno about the importance of learning how to express the mission imprinted on your heart. We chat about belief driven marketing, differences between new and veteran coaches marketing themselves, how she went from being $200,000 in student loan debt to retiring her husband and consciously creating her life, and so much more!

Topics we explore:

What led her to the marketing and copywriting space

Her calling to help make coaching more mainstream and support the coaches who don’t have the ability to hire entire marketing teams

Tuning into your signals that lets you know it’s time to connect back to your WHY and being of service

Staying in our comfort zones even when it’s wildly uncomfortable

Differences between how new and veteran coaches share their message online

The importance of repetition in your message even when you feel bored of it

How being able to articulate your message creates more freedom and impact in your life

What are the pillars of having a great message to communicate to your audience?

The misconception of needing a large online audience to make a big impact and create financial abundance

Shifting out of the sleazy sales vibe and focusing on motivating others to make a positive change in their lives

Shifting your calls to action to be the star of the show rather than an after thought to pre-sell your clients and get out of feeling salesy

Two writing exercises to help you start writing with more emotion

Creating a writing ritual to help make writing your content feel easier

About Laura Mzhickteno:

Laura’s training started in theatre, dance, vocal performance, and film. When she went to graduate school for psychology, she incorporated the science of human behavior and motivation and in her career as a copywriter and marketing strategist, she became an expert at brand positioning and persuasion.

Put all that together, and you’ve got a winning recipe for an ‘IT Factor’ Brand. (You know, the kind that stands out from the industry pack.)’

Laura has built two 6-figure businesses (copywriting and copy coaching), landed a fractional CMO role with a multi-million-dollar software company, and helped dozens of clients become clear, confident, and profitable content creators.

Imagine quadrupling your visibility while becoming more confident, magnetic, and persuasive… What could that do for your business? Your brand? And your bigger vision?

Or here’s a better question: What is NOT doing it getting you?

It’s possible for you too! You can gain the power of show-stopping performance coupled with brand strategy and persuasive content and start seeing noticeable results within about a month. The best part? The ROI continues to compound every single day.

Stay connected with Laura here:

Facebook: www.facebook.com/lauramzhickteno

Website: www.remediawave.com

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