The Revived Life Podcast: Mindset

Episode 058: Demystifying Meditation with Anais Strickling


Episode Summary:

In this episode I dive in with Anais Strickling to learn all about creating a living meditation each day so we can stop living in reaction mode and start responding from a resourced space. We chat about the need to “fix” ourselves, the search for something more in her college years, the hearts path of going within, misconceptions of meditation, learning to be at choice no matter where we are on the journey, and so much more!

Topics we explore:

Moving from living in reaction vs responding to life around us

The sacred pause

The power of curiosity, acceptance, and compassion

The shakey sense of self and how we are conditioned to be different than we are to be accepted

The hearts path of finding ourselves within

Finding gifts in the full range of our emotions

Flexing the muscle to stay in the present moment and direct your attention

Noticing where you are on the Pucker Scale

The ever evolving spiraling staircase of the journey of life

About Anais Strickling:

Anais is a doctor of physical therapy and Mindset and Living Meditation coach. 20 years ago she embarked on her own Heart’s Path after discovering Self-Inquiry meditation. She studied and lived in an ashram in spiritual community with her teacher and during this time experienced her own Awakening to Awareness.

After leaving ashram life, Anais earned her doctorate in physical therapy and her license in massage therapy expanding her knowledge of the human brain and body. She came full circle back to her true calling of sharing meditation and Self-Inquiry and earned her Master Transformational Life Coach certification.

Now she teaches meditation and mindfulness tools using her Heart’s Path Framework.Her passion is to support women who feel disconnected from their purpose and themselves. Women who feel stuck on autopilot and at the effect of their mental hamster wheel. Women who have a desire to live fully present in their lives connected to their True Self. 

She supports them in awakening and reconnecting with their Unshakable Presence and taking ownership of their powers so they can show up in their life BEING the change they wish to see. She supports them in feeling confident in using these powers to navigate the challenges of life as they arise coming FROM this Awake Awareness.

Anais is committed to teaching and sharing PRACTICAL spiritual tools to be used IN YOUR DAILY LIFE.  As a physical therapist and mindset coach the one muscle I am an expert at strengthening is your ATTENTION MUSCLE. It’s the one that when strengthened will totally change your life. Consciously directing this flow of attention is the foundation of living Awake and Aware! 

Anais’ mission is to demystify meditation and inspire women to begin to see their practice as a living art. We can take our seated practice off the mat and out into the world and begin practicing Presence in our daily lives- eyes open, fully engaged and bringing our fulfilled, radiant, authentic Self TO our lives.

Stay connected with Anais here:


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