5 Reasons to Spring Clean

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Flowers are blooming, birds are chirping, and temperatures are rising…which means it’s Spring and time for spring cleaning!

Here’s 5 reasons to spring clean & join the reset cleanse:

1. Create a demarcation line to move forward.

As adults and entrepreneurs seasons blend together and this is a moment to create intentionality.  Spring cleaning helps you create some definition and change of pace in your calendar to create shifts.

2. Shed heavy energy and clutter.

Over winter we eat heavy grounding foods, sugar, & sometimes more alcohol.

Whether it’s clearing clutter in your physical space or your body this allows you to feel lighter moving into summer.

We’ll be focusing on a whole food diet to help us feel more light and bright as we move into warmer weather.

We will also work together to declutter our space so we can welcome new things into our space in this new quarter.

3. Create a pathway for elimination to improve digestion and your ability to process toxic waste.

Heavy, dense winter foods bog your body down and can overwhelm it.  During this 7 days, your body will have a chance to eliminate the toxins and overwhelm.

4. Strengthen your immune system. When the body is under constant stress either from the foods you eat or media you consume it induces chronic immune activation.

This is especially important right now.  Your immune system will thank you for this reset by helping you fight off whatever is coming into your system.

5. Reduce cravings and caffeine/sugar dependencies.

Who doesn’t want fewer cravings, right?  This cleanse will help you get out of a rut and choose something new!  

If you’ve been having headaches, bloating, achey sore muscles, constant fatigue these are signs that you may be in toxic overwhelm.

In our cleanse, we’re focusing on what you GET to have – not focusing on restriction.

Removing common irritants like eggs, gluten, dairy, sugar, & caffeine ONLY for 7 days.  You can do anything for 7 days.

After our 7 days, we begin to add these back in one at a time so you can test how you feel consuming them.


If you missed this round you can participate at any time by joining the Pledge community here and watching the April Revival Workshop!