Episode 065: How I Have Been Using the VIBE Method to Process Life Lately

In this episode, I share a live replay I did for our VIBE & Embodiment community. Lately there has been so much going on behind the scenes for me and my family. With the passing of my grandfather and my other grandmother on my Mom’s side going into hospice after a few months of in and out hospital stays. I share how I have been using my 5-step VIBE & Embodiment method to help me process all the feels, stay grounded, and nourish myself.
Episode 057: What is the VIBE method?

In this episode, I chat about my new program the VIBE & Embodiment Certificate starting on April 30th. A place for women to get out of their heads, into their bodies, process their emotions, and tap back in to ALL parts of themselves. Through music, movement, and visualization we’ll dive into how you can create your own self-care sanctuary whenever you need.
Episode 056: Magnetic Personal Branding with Tracey Pontarelli

In this episode, I dive in with Tracey Pontarelli to chat about how to become MAGNETIC in your personal brand and how we are naturally attracting or repelling people already! We chat about what gets in the way of magnetizing our brand, practical actions steps to turn up your attraction factor, & switching to creation over consumption.
Episode 53: Unlocking the Divine Goddess Within with Kemei Baird

In this episode, I dive into a juicy conversation with my friend and colleague, Kemei Baird, about feeling and expressing the full range of what it means to be a woman. We chat about connecting back to your body, moving through anger, shame, and self-hatred, inner child work, how we break trust with ourselves, the power of movement, and so much more!
Episode 038: The Journey of Pregnancy with Detroit Doulas

In this episode I get to dive in with the owners of Detroit Doulas, Kirsten Johnson and Alex Idziak, to chat about the journey of pregnancy and how a doula can be an individuals or couples rock throughout the process. We talk about the differences between a doula and other providers, how powerful the body is, the importance of creating a relaxing environment you’re comfortable in, surrendering, and so much more.
Episode 028: What’s stopping you from playing full out?

In this episode I dive into three main areas that can keep us from playing full out and taking action on the vision we’re called to create for our life. This could be parts of us in conflict with the other, protecting our three core human needs, or trying to avoid discomfort. If you know you are capable to create your vision but keep procrastinating, this episode is for you!
Episode 027: Finding Your Voice with Mary Aloutte a.k.a Alarke

In this episode, I dive in with Mary Alouette a.k.a Alarke on stepping into that next version of yourself by discovering your voice, finding true alignment, people pleasing, facing rejection, feeling unworthy, creating your own opportunity when all doors seem to be closed and SO much more.
Episode 025: Protect Your Creative Expression with IP Lawyer Maria Spear Ollis

In this episode, I dive in with my lawyer whose become a dear friend over the years. We chat about how Maria went from pursuing opera singing to becoming a lawyer, what constitutes intellectual property online, the difference between a copyright and a trademark, when to consult a lawyer when starting a business, how tricky using music can be on social media, her favorite essential oils and so much more!
Episode 024: Style, Confidence, & Self-Expression with the Pattern Mixing Queen Jonnelle Boyd

In this episode I dive in with Jonnelle Boyd a.k.a Jonnelle Bird. We chat about the complexity of who we are, embracing all parts of ourselves, where confidence comes from and how it evolves, the importance of connecting to yourself, becoming who you want to be and not what society wants you to be, and so much more!
Episode 015: Turn Your Struggle Into Your Super Power with Emma G

In this episode I dive in with Emma G Music who uses her creativity and self-expression to help both herself and others transform their struggles into their superpowers. We cover such a range of topics, but all focus around loving all facets of ourselves – even the “ugly” parts. How do we dig into our inner selves and shed light on those dark spaces to grow ourselves and our communities? Tune in to hear what Emma’s learned through her journey.