Episode 077: Costa Rica Wellness Retreat & Building Workplace Culture with Rachel Nelson

In this episode I dive in with a dear client, Rachel Nelson, Founder of Concetti, an Interior Design Strategist firm. Rachel and I have been working together on her personal and professional wellness over the last four years. We recently took a trip together with Retreat to Reclaim to nourish ourselves and allow the work we’ve done together to integrate in a BIG way.
Episode 068: The Season of Metal – VIBE & Embodiment Immersion Fall Theme

In this episode, I share about the fall theme for the VIBE & Embodiment Immersion – metal! This element is firm, strong, self-contained, precious, and impenetrable. Though under extreme heat can be molded. How has the heat of summer or the circumstances over the last few years molded you? Is that serving the version of you you’d like to be in 2023? Class starts September 13th!
Episode 059: Sharing Your Soul’s Message with Laura Mzhickteno

In this episode I dive in with Laura Mzhickteno about the importance of learning how to express the mission imprinted on your heart. We chat about belief driven marketing, differences between new and veteran coaches marketing themselves, how she went from being $200,000 in student loan debt to retiring her husband and consciously creating her life, and so much more!