The Revived Life Podcast: Health

Episode 016: Being Your Own Best Advocate with Sandra Letenzi


Episode Summary:

In this episode I dive in with a former client and health coach, Sandra Letenzi. We explore what makes her so passionate about health and educating others to be their own best advocate, where we misunderstand chronic disease in western medicine, beginning to understand the power of your liver, and alternative forms of testing you can do to better understand what’s happening in your body before you get a scary diagnosis. 

About Sandra:

Sandra Letenzi is a Holistic Health Coach with a crazy passion for helping people prevent suffering from chronic lifestyle diseases by ditching toxins in their diet and environment so they can have peace of mind in their health. She loves helping people implement healthy, sustainable changes to their lifestyles primarily through focusing on liver health. Sandra enjoys traveling, cooking, farmers’ markets and the great outdoors. She lives in CO with her husband, son and pup.

What inspired Sandra to become a Health Coach & passionate advocate for preventative health?

“One of my earliest memories as a young child is losing my mom, Charlene, to breast cancer at age 38. It was July of 1993, about a month after my 5th birthday and my brother, Mark, was just 3. Unsurprisingly, I have very few, spotty memories of my mom and of this time in my life in general. 

As the years went on, my relatives talked a lot about cancer. The unfortunate circumstances that cancer left, the fear of cancer, how aggressive the cancer was. And surprise, surprise, I grew up having a very real fear of cancer.

Up until a few years ago, I was convinced I had a 50/50 chance of getting breast cancer. I had well-intentioned family members constantly reminding me I needed to get a mammogram earlier than normal, my dad insisted that I do genetic testing for the BRCA genes (which I did and luckily it came back negative) and doctors would remind me about mammograms and self-exams.

I was living in fear waiting for the day I might be told I had cancer like my mom. Because it wasn’t just my mom, it was my great aunt and my grandmother who also passed away from breast cancer and a cousin who was diagnosed in 2012 (around the same age as my mom) but luckily is in remission and doing great.

Chronic diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, are responsible for 7 of every 10 deaths among Americans each year and account for 75% of the nation’s healthcare spending. These diseases are largely preventable through diet and lifestyle. So if you ask me, prevention NEEDS to be a bigger part of the conversation.

True prevention starts with eating way more nutrient-dense foods, getting enough sleep, managing stress, detoxifying, moving our amazing bodies, cleaning up our beauty/personal care products and household cleaning products and taking crazy good care of ourselves. And how do we do all this?

Well, that’s my mission!”

Stay connected with Sandra here:


Check out her gorgeous jewelry:


Ready to up your prevention game? Take the Pledge and join us for a month of Spring Cleaning! We’re starting with a gentle whole foods reset cleanse on April 5th to create a pathway for deeper healing to unfold.

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