The Revived Life Podcast: Health

Episode 014: Growing Up On Essential Oils with Jacquelyn Bagwell


Episode Summary:

In this episode I dive in with Jacquelyn Bagwell, a doTERRA wellness advocate and lifelong oiler. We chat about what it was like growing up with essential oils, how they empower you in your physical and mental health, common misconceptions or objections she hears most, why she loves doTERRA specifically, and her fav oils to use on a daily basis!

About Jacquelyn:

Jacquelyn Bagwell is a young entrepreneur focused on helping others look and feel their best in the most natural way possible. Raised in a holistic household, she uses essential oils, and the training she received as a cosmetologist for the last five years to do so. She has a zeal for life and a passion for teaching others the truth about what they can do to feel better.

Stay connected with Jacquelyn here:


Gem of this episode:

“We get to hear, maybe not the most glamorous parts of people’s lives, you’re not just seeing their highlight reel on Instagram.

You’re hearing people share what they go home and cry about and what hurts and pains them.

To be able to hear that as a friend and have empathy for them is powerful, but then as a coach or an advocate or still just a friend – to be able to say I love you, I can feel that you are hurting, and here’s what I have to help you – that’s just a beautiful feeling.

Especially when you see that internal shift happen for someone it makes me never want to stop sharing about oils whether I’m being paid to or not because they are just that powerful in your life.”

Jacquelyn’s Daily Oils:

  • Frankincense: “I use it for everything! I love it’s ability to connect with the brain pathways knowing that it’s affecting more than my mood. It’s all the way down to my cellular function and my organs ability to do what they are meant to. I notice such a huge difference on the days i don’t use it.”
    • When in doubt frank it out!
  • Balance: “This oil is part of my emotional protocol. I use it every day, multiple times a day. I love to put it on the bottoms of my feet, in my diffuser, and on my essential oil jewelry.”
  • Some kind of Citrus: “These types of oils are so uplifting, energizing, and motivating! My immune system can easily weaken so I love that they not only boost my mood but also help boost my immune system by helping clean the air and various surfaces around me.”

This combo of three also smells so great together in a diffuser!

Ready to get started and use essential oils in your daily life?

Head to!

Not sure where to start or want to save 25% without monthly minimums or having to sell?

Send me a message at and we can explore what the best path is for you to get started!


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