Episode 077: Costa Rica Wellness Retreat & Building Workplace Culture with Rachel Nelson

In this episode I dive in with a dear client, Rachel Nelson, Founder of Concetti, an Interior Design Strategist firm. Rachel and I have been working together on her personal and professional wellness over the last four years. We recently took a trip together with Retreat to Reclaim to nourish ourselves and allow the work we’ve done together to integrate in a BIG way.
Episode 073: Exploring Therapy for Trauma, Motherhood, & Loss with Brooke Stone

In this episode I dive in with Brooke Stone of Detroit Counseling Collective to learn more about her journey and how she supports women transitioning into motherhood and the challenges and trauma that can happen along the path.
Episode 070: VegInspired Whole Food Plant-Based Lifestyle with Kathy Davis

In this episode I dive in with Kathy Davis, CEO of VegInspired, to share her journey navigating a whole food plant-based lifestyle. How she went from being a junk food vegan having no energy to get out of their RV and explore beautiful national parks to eating more plant-based, increasing her energy, inspiration for life, and reversing pre-diabetes markers she was having.
Episode 069: Resilience in Life and Business with Samantha Dawson

In this episode I dive in with my fellow mastermind sister, Samantha Dawson to chat all things life and business and finding resiliency through it all. This is a must listen episode if you have a dream on your heart, but feel like life keeps throwing you all the curveballs and hurdles to navigate!
Episode 068: The Season of Metal – VIBE & Embodiment Immersion Fall Theme

In this episode, I share about the fall theme for the VIBE & Embodiment Immersion – metal! This element is firm, strong, self-contained, precious, and impenetrable. Though under extreme heat can be molded. How has the heat of summer or the circumstances over the last few years molded you? Is that serving the version of you you’d like to be in 2023? Class starts September 13th!
Episode 067: Recover From Burnout By Embodying Your Feminine Energy with Sophia LePage

In this episode I dive in with Sophia LePage as she shares her journey in and out of burnout real, raw, and vulnerable. From wearing ‘over-achiever’ like a badge of honor to ending up in a marriage she didn’t recognize herself in to having an affair and blowing up her good girl image she reflected on what brought her to that point and discovered feminine embodiment to revive after burnout.
Episode 066: My Favorite Yearly Reflection Tool The Birthday Letter

or and what’s important to focus on in the next year to move me closer towards the life vision I have for myself. Can’t wait to hear if you’re going to start this tradition too!
Episode 065: How I Have Been Using the VIBE Method to Process Life Lately

In this episode, I share a live replay I did for our VIBE & Embodiment community. Lately there has been so much going on behind the scenes for me and my family. With the passing of my grandfather and my other grandmother on my Mom’s side going into hospice after a few months of in and out hospital stays. I share how I have been using my 5-step VIBE & Embodiment method to help me process all the feels, stay grounded, and nourish myself.
Episode 064: Turn the Light Back On with Kristen Williams

In this episode I dive in with Kristen Williams about her journey moving through mental health, self-image challenges, negative self-talk, and being checked in to a behavioral unit for bipolar. She shares how she picked herself up off the floor and created a life she loves while healing herself along the way!
Episode 063: Somatics and Ending the Stress-Pain Loop with Vikki Fuhrman

In this episode I dive in Vikki Fuhrman, a Bodyworker and Coach, to chat all things body, somatics, and taking a holistic look at our whole being to end the stress-pain loop.